What is a Buyer Persona


What is a Buyer Persona A buyer persona is a research-based profile that depicts a target customer. Buyer personas describe who your ideal customers are, what their days are like, the challenges they face, and how they make decisions. Built from the real words of real buyers, a buyer persona tells you what prospective customers …

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What is Google Pagespeed Insights


What is Google PageSpeed Insights Optimization PageSpeed Insights, also known as PSI, is an online Google tool that evaluates the loading speed of a web page. Entering a URL and hitting “Analyze” will quickly get you a detailed report of what’s slowing that web page based on two parameters, complete with recommendations on how to …

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How to do SEO on a WordPress Website


Why SEO is important Search engines are often the biggest source of traffic for most websites. Google and other search engines use advanced algorithms to understand and rank pages appropriately in search results. However, those algorithms aren’t perfect and still need your help to understand what your content is about. If your content isn’t optimized, …

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How to improve SEO on WordPress


Search Engine Optimization How can I improve my WordPress SEO SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is crucial for getting more traffic to your website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your site’s presence on organic search engine results to increase traffic to your site. If you’re relying on …

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WooCommerce SEO experts


Why do you need a WooCommerce Seo Expert? If you’re here (and you are), then you’re asking yourself: Why should I hire a WooCommerce SEO Expert? What do SEO experts do? How can they help my business? What can my organization gain from hiring one?  WooCommerce is an e-commerce plugin that allows you to leverage …

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WordPress SEO Expert


Why do you need a WordPress SEO Expert If you’re here (and you are), then you’re asking yourself: Why should I hire a WordPress SEO expert? What do SEO experts do? How can they help my business? What can my company gain from hiring one?  Search engine optimization Search Engine Optimization is the process of …

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WordPress SEO Company


Why do you need a WordPress Seo Company If you’re here (and you are), then you’re asking yourself: Why should I hire a WordPress SEO company? What does an SEO company do? How can it help my business? What can my company gain from hiring one? SEO Optimization is a collection of strategies to help …

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WordPress SEO Consultant


Why you need a WordPress Seo Consultant. What do SEO Specialists do? They deliver free search engine traffic! SEO Consultants are the front-line workers providing not only consulting but hands-on internet marketing fulfillment services to enable business owners to boost their company online visibility for all marketing channels, with the end result being earning more …

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Website Development Agency UK: Website Traffic and Social Media

website development agency uk

Add social media links on your website, increase your traffic and achieve many other goals! #1. Increase website visitors, advice from website development agency uk As a website development agency uk we have notice that those who visit your website, don’t necessarily engage in a conversion. They don’t necessarily become customers from the beginning. But …

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Solomon Designs team is passionate about WordPress. We build clean and responsive, fully featured and mobile-first orientated websites.
We combine our technical, creative and digital marketing expertise to bring you outstanding custom WordPress development services.
We take our work seriously and are continually expanding our knowledge and skills to better understand the business and web audience.
Your website is an investment in your business’s future and Solomon Designs team gives this the attention it deserves.
