Adding links to your pages and posts in WordPress is not hard at all, as long as you know how to do it
When working with your WordPress pages and posts, you may want to create a link (also called a hyperlink) to another website, or even another page or post on your site. This is done via the page or post editor. You can do so either with the Text editor or the Visual editor. Below are instructions for creating links for your WordPress content.
How to create a link in your page or post:
1.Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
2.Using the left-hand side menu, click on the Post or Page menu. In this example, we will click on the Post option.
3.Now, select All Posts (or All Pages) to bring up the list of existing posts/pages.
4.Hover over the post or page you want to edit and click on the Edit link.
5.This opens the content editor. First highlight the text you want to create the link with. Our example will make the words ‘link to another webpage’ into a link.
In Visual mode, click on the link button on the toolbar, it is the one shaped like a small chain.
In Text mode, click on the button simply labeled link.
6.A popup will appear where you will want to enter the URL you want to link the text to. There are three fields here to consider.
URL: The web address (URL) you are linking to.
Title: A text title that will appear when the visitor hovers over the link.
Open link in new window/tab: Checking this box will make the link open in a new window or tab instead of navigating away from your site in the current window.
You can also link to another page or post on your site. Click on the Or link to existing content link to open up the lower area of the popup. If needed, you can use the search function to filter the list. In our case, all posts and pages can be listed at once. Click on the page or post you want to link to. This will fill in the URL and Title fields above with the correct information.
7.Once you have entered the URL for your link, click on the Add Link button to finalize the link’s creation. You can now visit the site to see your link in action.
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